Within minutes of arrival on Fripp Island, my friends and I
spotted deer prancing across grass. Two came to our car.
Later, we saw a flock of egrets, an alligator, and a statuesque grand blue heron. Fripp is not a beach with a boardwalk and crowds, but an island charmed by wildlife. I spent the week quietly enjoying natural beauty with good friends. What's not to like about drinking morning coffee greeted by a spectacular sunrise overlooking an ocean?
Years ago, a lighthouse keeper carrying fifty pounds of oil each day, knew the climb was essential. A lighthouse keeper’s family lived isolated
lives. They thought their sacrificial climb fulfilled their calling. Today, tourists climb to view unequaled beauty of beaches, a magnificent ocean, blue
sky, and amazing foliage from the top!
Is the view worth the climb? We ask that question even when a lighthouse isn’t the subject.
What view am I after? Am I willing to climb to see it? Our climbs are an investment of time, energy, and sometimes, sacrifice, but Habakkuk reminds us, “The Sovereign Lord
is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go
on the heights.” Habakkuk 3:19
Maybe your climb is exercising patience as you navigate a
Or developing character by listening instead of talking when making decisions with a
Or appreciating a different viewpoint and recognizing yours isn't the only valid perspective,
Or preparing a meal for the enjoyment of friends and family gathering around your table,
Or a sleepless night with a baby knowing he receives comfort as you rock him,
Or a long drive to visit loved ones,
Or preparing a meal for the enjoyment of friends and family gathering around your table,
Or a sleepless night with a baby knowing he receives comfort as you rock him,
Or a long drive to visit loved ones,
Or hard work to achieve a goal,
Or persevering in a project,
Or personal discipline in particular areas,
Or waiting for an answer,
Or waking up early to see a spectacular sunrise,
Or waiting for an answer,
Or waking up early to see a spectacular sunrise,
Habakkuk reminds us we don't climb alone. And as we climb, we encourage others. So.. what climbs have you made? Were they worth the view?
What climb are you considering? Do you think it will be worth the view?
When I climbed a lighthouse, I found out at the top that I was scared of heights! I’m glad my spiritual climb really is worth it!!
ReplyDeleteOh my! When we got to the top, my friend confessed she was afraid of heights and wobbled a bit, then found her balance. So much like our spiritual walk, isn't it? We wobble, find our balance and find it is worth it. Thank you Heather for your comment.
ReplyDeleteI really loved the picture Habakkuk 3:19 formed in my mind--enabling us to "reach" those heights. It's comforting that God is with us on those climbs--especially the hardest ones. As writers, I believe we are always venturing out on those bending branches and definitely need God's support!