Monday, January 15, 2018


I admit I’m directionally challenged. I rely heavily on my GPS even when I’m familiar
with routes. I use it because I anticipate the possibility of encountering a blocked road and I know I’d go into panic mode if I don’t have a guide to direct me.

On a few occasions, I missed a turn that quickly came up and I couldn’t get into the right lane. A friendly reminder says and posts the words, “recalculating”. The screen changes: arrows move in a circular motion, streets disappear, and a new route emerges.

As we begin a new year, some of us made a decision to start or stop an activity. Perhaps we chose to live by a word or phrase to frame our choices.

We recalculated.

Two weeks into the year, I recalculated. I evaluated and prayed about the moving arrows. I prayed and evaluated the changing route. What do I eliminate and what will that mean?  The screen changed. My familiar streets disappeared and I looked for the new route. Do I add or replace? Do I sit still?  Like last week’s post, do I take a longer season of “Selah”

Sometimes God has a new and different path for us, one we didn’t expect.

Sometimes we meet an unexpected change.

Sometimes, we stay on a path and confidently wait for His direction to take the next turn.

Sometimes, someone else changes our plans and we have no control over it.

Sometimes we ride for a while, learn what we need to, and then make a “u-turn”.

There is always mercy and grace for each step.

I’m not sure where you are in recalculating. As I shared my decision-making with a wise friend, she turned me toward Matthew 6:33.

Perhaps these scriptures will give you confidence and encouragement, when you are “recalculating.”

But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
    let them ever sing for joy.  Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.
   Psalm 5:11 NIV  
Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup;
    you make my lot secure. Psalm 16:5 NIV

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
    I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.  Psalm 32:8 NIV

How have you met recalculating?


  1. Great post! I'm so glad the Bible is our GPS for all of life's circumstances. Not only that, but if we allow Him to be, God is in the driver's seat. And He is never directionally challenged :)

    1. I like that--"He is never directionally challenged." Thank you for commenting, Beckie.

  2. This is good. I use my GPS lots. The Bible is also a good GPS

  3. If I know the area, I sometimes make my GPS say "recalculating" on purpose. But I try not to do that with God's guidance. :)
    I think it's good to give ourselves permission to change directions, even when it's not New Years or some other significant time. God doesn't operate on our calendar.
    Thanks for sharing this reflection!


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