Monday, October 9, 2017

What are You Missing? The Treasure of Longer Days

“The longer you sleep, the less you live,” my Dad often said smiling. I heard him, but I wasn't smiling. Like most teens, I enjoyed sleeping in on Saturdays and school vacations. My Dad often encouraged to me to rise earlier.
I didn’t grasp his concept then, but I do now. Sleeping less does yield longer life-our years aren't extended-but our days are.

Ironically, now that I am retired, I am an early riser. When I say early, I mean before sunrise. This morning, I headed to the kitchen, turned on lights, made my coffee, and spent some quiet time reading. Ready to pour my third cup of coffee, I glanced out the window over my kitchen sink and spotted the beginning of a beautiful sunrise. Once again, I was reminded of God’s faithfulness. The sun rises every single morning. The shades of pink and orange were breathtaking. I took my camera and headed outside to capture a better view. I was awestruck. No two are ever alike in timing or color.

I know I see a treasure few see. They are missing it.

More hours, more life--a treasure. My Dad would smile, I'm sure.

Missing treasures is not unusual. On an Alaskan cruise a few years ago, a lecturer told us to enjoy the natural treasures. “Some are sleeping, or in casinos. But you will see treasures.” He was right. My husband and I stood on the deck; the scenery was beautiful, and the glaciers, magnificent. It was unlike anything we had ever seen: treasures.

In a Hallmark movie, Love at the Shore, ten-year old Ally enjoys taking her neighbor’s dog on a morning walk. The owner insists his pet isn’t a morning dog or a trick dog until Ally shows him otherwise. As Ally shows the dog has learned how to sit, shake, and give a high-five at her commands, the owner is speechless. Ally proudly proclaims, “He didn’t know what he was missing.”

I wonder how many treasures we miss.

We enjoy our circle of friends and fail to make new ones. Is a treasure waiting?

Fear keeps us from new experiences. Are we missing a treasure?

We insist on our way, rather than listen to the prompt of the Holy Spirit. Did I settle for what I think is a good treasure while missing the best?

I choose tasks over people. What am I missing? 

Unclaimed treasures wait to be found. Is it time to think about what you might be missing?

Perhaps one place to start is to set your alarm clock just once this week and take in the treasure of a beautiful sunrise. I guarantee you will smile.
Comment and share a treasure you have found this week.

From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised. 
Psalm 113:3 (NIV)


  1. Well, I'm not a morning person--my energy is highest around 6 pm and stays high until around midnight, but I don't like to miss God's beauty, either. I'm a runner, and I love running through His nature!

    Heather Bock

    1. Hi Heather! Your day is longer on the other end. There's a treasure in both. Thanks for your comment.


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